Monday, April 20, 2015

I knew I loved you before I met you.....

I'm a blessed mother of three fantastic children.  They are each so special, so individual and so important to me.  Today is my youngest, Jack's 18th birthday.  So while I love them all so very much and can thrill you with story after story today is Jack's turn.
Jack is my baby, my funny man, my protector and my heart.  He embodies the essence of the youngest child to a tee and has throughout his life brought laughter to my heart.  I should have known on his first day of life that Jack would always keep me guessing and keep me on my toes.  As I was having an emergency c-section to have Jack in the surgery unit next door a lady was having twins (via c-section as well).  Her boy was born the same exact time as Jack and because her water had broken days before giving birth the newborn infant care unit was going to be taking her babies straight to their unit to give them maintenance antibiotics.  Guess whose baby got taken instead?  I eventually got him back but for months was secretly convinced that I had the wrong baby (sorry Jack).
My favorite birthday was Jack's seventh.  It was a Tuesday and he was a student at Whittier Elementary.  I had gone to school to eat lunch with him and when I had come home that night after work Jack was standing on top of my kitchen counter in his school uniform.  For some reason I had the video camera going and caught this now favorite moment.  I remember sneaking up on him and asking him what he was doing.  Without missing a beat my little ham looks straight in the camera and says "Washing the counters stupid head." Jack then sat on the counter, took off his socks and started to wipe the windex soaked counter with his socks.  For some reason I kept the camera going and said "I love you Jackers, Happy Birthday."  He looked back at me very seriously, got an inch away from the camera and looked at it with such seriousness that I thought I was going to catch a rare moment when my Jackers would actually be serious.  You can hear me take a breath as I wait for him to position his face right in the camera because I was so sure that I was either one, going to get an "I love you Mama" back, or two, I was going to finally win $10,000 on America's Funniest Video's.  Instead in this breath taking instant Jack lined his face up right next to the camera lens and says in a monster voice "I love you too stupid head."
Why is that my favorite birthday?
Because my Jack is my Jack.  He is my baby, my funny man, my protector and my heart.  He loves bigger than anyone I know and just like I did 11 years ago I still find myself cherishing the little moments where he does (and says) the unexpected.  I have so many wishes for my Jackers and his future but the biggest wish is that he always knows that his Mama is his biggest fan and I will always have his back.  The year Jack was born there was a popular song called 'I knew I loved you before I met you' by Savage Garden.  I know that in its true meaning it was a love song between a man and a women but I remember listening to it when I was up late taking care of Jack and thinking that it described how I felt towards my little man so very well.  I love you Jackers, happy birthday!
Do I love you?

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