In an earlier blog post I spoke about a funeral that Curtis and I had attended...
"Curtis and I went to a funeral this weekend. I have to admit we had never met the person the funeral was for, but we do know, and love, the son and daughter in-law of the deceased. We we were honored to help celebrate the life of the man we learned about.
During the funeral the family brought in mementos of the deceased. They brought things that represented their loved one. There was a baseball mitt, a newspaper, a menu from his favorite restaurant and some other items. I thought it was a nice touch, but didn't realize how much it effected Curtis.
On the way home Curtis asked me what of his I would pick to symbolize his life? (YES! HE DID SAY THIS...HONEST!) I have to admit that he stumped me. I was taken aback for a moment. I immediately pulled the "I'm stalling for time to think" card and said "First you answer." I was even more shocked that he had an instant answer. He told me that he would pick my IPOD because it best represents every side of me. (I know, huh, a wonderful answer). "
I wrote that blog post on 07 February 2011....Today is 26 April 2015 and I can't believe how very true his statement was and still is. This past week I got a new iPod Nano (7th edition) because my old one finally gave up on me and I didn't want to run with my huge iPhone (Yes, I'm typing on a MacBook Pro so I'm not only shaped like an apple
but I love their products too.) so I bought the new Nano. Even though the 1,000 plus songs on my iPod are the same as the ones I've always had in my library loading them on to the new device and placing them on shuffle ended up playing songs that I hadn't heard in a very long time. I don't know about you but when I hear a song that I love I also think of the reason I love it. Sometimes the memories are so strong and powerful that they have the ability to take me back to the place the memories were made....
Phil Collins 'Coming in the Air Tonight' takes me back to my senior homecoming dance where I think I first realized the powerful lesson of love that you may need to prove by letting it go.
Kid Rock 'Cowboy Baby' takes me back to Jackers grooving in the back seat of my Ford Aerostar and shouting "I'm a cowboy baby" to every passer at the Alderwood Mall in his stroller.....
N' Sync 'Bye, Bye, Bye' and the original 'Footloose' soundtrack are my Jacob memories. Who would have thought that this over six foot tall child of my heart who is the gentle giant started his love of music in my high heeled black boots dancing with Justin Timberlake?
Edwin McCain 'I'll Be' takes me back to my wedding day (love you Curtie).
Johnny Mathis 'Chances Are' and many of my mother's record collection I remember playing on the stereo furniture console in the front room as I drifted off to sleep in our little farmhouse in Ferndale, Washington.
I also have my share of 70's, 80's and early 90's metal, the Seattle Grunge Music favorites, Steely Dan, Cheap Trick, Fleetwood Mac and even my ex husband's music from the band he was a part of long after our divorce. This music reminds me of reckless love, being powerful enough to make a huge life change and the ability to know that even hard experiences help shape wonderful futures.
Kenny Loggins 'Christopher Robin' for my sweet Maria who inspired me then, now and forever.
The piano musings of Jim Brickman that remind me that you can love with all of your heart and soul and still not be the one another heart wants.
There is so much diversity than what is listed here but I realized that with the iTunes reward card that came with my purchase it was time to add to my much loved library. And twice this week my iPod gifted me the opportunity to have incredible experiences with two of my children. Maria sat with me and helped guide me in some great choices, she even was able to listen to my off-key singing of a part of a song that I wanted and identified it as Jack Johnson 'Banana Pancakes'. She took the time to share her library with me and shared some great songs that I not only love but downloaded. Now each time these play I will remember sitting around the kitchen table with my beautiful daughter (deep sigh, who is an awesome adult now) picking these songs. Then later in the week Jackers climbed into bed with me (this is such a rare treat from my boy who is now much too old and much too young man to be the snuggle bug he once was) and had me listen to some of his much loved country music. I admit I'm not a huge country fan but I downloaded most of his suggestions and love them.
So this week I was well armed with my new iPod, and new music memories and when I plugged in first thing Thursday morning and hit shuffle I was hit with Glen Campbell singing 'Rhinestone Cowboy'. Why is this on my playlist you may ask? Because it was the first "popular" song that my baby brother ever memorized. He would sing that song for hours, over and over and over again. I used to hate that song. Until I became an adult and a mother and realized how very much I love my baby brother. I love you Tony, then, now, forever, no matter what. Cause.....I really don't mind the rain, and a smile can hide the pain.....
Do I love you?
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