Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hip Bones!

Guess what I found this week?  Hip bones.
Really, I did.
Now I must admit that this happened in a very funny fashion and I thought I'd share.
Every day I allow myself a double tall nonfat latte from Starbucks (two points for those of you who have transitioned over to Weight Watchers with me).  But I have rules.  I have to walk to get the Starbucks (.30 miles there and .30 miles back...Not far but it adds to my steps....Here I come Maine!) I'm not allowed to have one if I drive or ask someone else (Don't do it Darrell, Paul, Monica, Ann & Kay) to pick it up for me.  And NO Curtie, weekends don't count.  You can continue to be the fabulous husband that you are and deliver on those days!   ****Is this a good time to say that the scale at Weight Watchers was mighty fine to me this week...Thank you!**** So IF I follow the rules and IF I don't complain too much about making my straightened hair frizzy (when will this rain stop?), I get my latte.
Hang in there...I promise I'm getting to my story!
So on my way to Starbucks yesterday I was lamenting to my coworkers about how very much my hips hurt with the increased activity.  As I was saying this I, in my very dramatic fashion, put my right hand on the area that was hurting to show them all.  Much to my horror I immediately realized I had a hard lump in the area where I think my hips would be.  I panicked (oh goodness a tumor?) and put my left hand on my left hip area.  Much to my dismay I realized I had two of these lumps!  Imagine my pleasant surprise when I was informed that that these lumps were my hip bones. 
I have hip bones.  Serious I do.  They are pretty cool.  If you put your hands on them when you walk (which must make me look very sassy when I walk) you can feel them move.  Serious.  I have hip bones!
This may be silly to those of you who have always had your hip bones, but mine have been (for most of my life) buried under a mountain of fat.  So I'm pretty excited.  I wonder what the heck else I will find as the scale goes down?
So my sassy friends....Get your exercise and for just a moment put your hands on your hips and give a shake in honor of my discovery!  Come on now...You know you want to!
Do I love you?  OHMYDOI!

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